Saturday, September 30

I am sick.

104.6 F
Originally uploaded by dianny.

I found this photo on Flickr and it made me laugh. I was dying to know what the ointment was for--turns out it's an ear thermometer. Not so funny that way, but I appreciate the generic Vitamin I. They don't tell you that Ibuprofen is necessary in life, but they should. My mom and her nurses always called it Vitamin I.

I have a sore throat and the lovely feverish skin that feels like every nerve ending is being stroked--not painfully, just constantly. It seems to roll across me in waves. Add the dizziness and inability to stay warm, and it's going to be a lovely night.


crse said...

Oh feel better buddy! I love vitamin I. I never heard that one before. Sometimes I worry about my liver. But that just makes my head hurt which makes me take more....hopefully it will all pass quickly.

Sayre said...

Sometimes Vitamin I is the only reason I can move. WHen my arthritis kicks up, my doctor's got me taking 9 of those bad boys a day. Luckily, that doesn't happen all that often...

Hope you feel better! (and I'm awaiting your final OLTA check in!)