Wednesday, September 6

whadda geek.

I am such a dorkus. I woke up at 5 am because I could not believe I had totally forgotten to write my Thursday Thirteen. I've been frantically typing and I just went to the TT hub, and they had not opened it up for posting--gasp! What happened, had someone fallen ill? How terrible!

yeah. it's wednesday. I get that now.

let me give you my two favorite mom moments of the week...

Stayed home with Little O while she was sick, and went looking for batteries for a stewwwpid game. We had been searching for a little while, and I may have slammed the drawer with a little more force than was strictly necessary (but the drawer DOES stick), and Little O puts her hands on her hips and says:

Mama, this. is. Cracking. me. out.

I did not tell her it was the only time she's going to be cracked out--three is a little young for the just say no speech, but I told her I was stressed, too, so maybe we could just play Hi Ho Cherry Oh, and she was thrilled.

That same night, Big O is watching the news while I made dinner, and I hear a wail of despair from the living room... What's wrong, bubby?

MOM...dramatic pause

I have terrible news!


We have Global Warming!

Now at this point, I probably could have been a better parent and soothed his fears, re-assured him that the destruction of the planet was not imminent, and turned it into a fabulous talk about the benefits of the recycling tub he hates to empty. But I'm not that parent. I started laughing. I told him It's been going on for years, and even the republicans were starting to admit it.

He huffed, "Well, why didn't anyone tell ME?!"

Love my O's

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