Thursday, September 7

Thursday 13 #10--I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.

So the challenge from Denise was to think of 13 things we like about ourselves...

1. I am tall-ish. I'm 5'10", so I'm not wow-you-must-play-basketball tall (although even I get that from time to time), but I can reach the top shelf myself. I can't imagine how frustrating that must be.

2. I am empathetic, although this gets me into trouble with friends. I almost always see the OTHER side of things, too, and I don't win points when I give perspective, but I think it makes me very fair and balanced. If you don't want to hear where the other side might be coming from, don't ask me for my opinion/help!

3. I smile. It's my first reaction, and my normal expression. Not in a creepy, mall-stalker crazy sort of way, but I'm a smiley, friendly person, and it helps counter balance my pathological shyness, so I don't come off as a huge bitch when I don't talk to you. My smile has saved my heiney with my in-laws--is that the way you spell that, or did I just imply that my in-laws try to steal my beer? hmmmm....

4. I am open minded about most things, although I stick to my guns about Dubya and his ability and qualifications to lead our nation into a crosswalk, let alone navigate national policy.

5. I am grateful that my chest is in proportion to my body, which is not to say that I don't wish I were a smaller girl, but if I were a shorter/smaller girl, I'd be nothing but ta-tas. Shopping would be easier, but I'm grateful everyday that my top hides my middle.

6. I appreciate humor in others. I like to think I'm funny.

7. I am quirky. A little off kilter. Which means my sense of humor doesn't always line up with mainstream America, but really, would I want it to?

8. Aside from a few guilty pleasures, I have great taste in music!

9. I try to stay out of office politics, and the back-biting behaviors that lead to a mob mentality. Why was my mom one of the only ones who got the golden rule to stick?

10. I make kick ass desserts. Not EVERY time (whew! I tried to make a fuzzy-navel cake this last week with an orange cake mix I had in the cupboard-who buys orange cake?-and it was god awful--tasted like baby aspirin--ugh), but mmmm, when it hits. I was trying to link to my own blog for the Tasty Tuesday from july 18, but it is beyond me. Trust me, you should search the archives for that recipe if you have to bring something for dessert!

11. I am modest. Bwahahahaha! Okay, for #11, I choose the fact that I am content with a modest lifestyle. I don't mind if something is in the style of a prada bag, but isn't real prada. What the f*ck would I do with the real thing? Why would I want to spend a week's salary (or would that be one month?) on something that my daughter is just as likely to stick her half eaten banana into? If I like the look, give me something with that look. My honey is always abashed that the diamond in my ring isn't bigger--why, so I could lose it? I love the unique design aspects of my ring, and that he knew enough about me to chose something so very ME. Please don't get me wrong, had the rock been bigger, I would not have complained about it, but he wants to upgrade the stone, and I don't want to--then it wouldn't be the ring I love. Buy me a new ring. :)

12. I am a good friend. I won't always tell you what you want to hear (see # 2), but I will always try to be there for you . And I can give you space without becoming all butt-hurt and starting some centuries long feud...sometimes friends need to take a break--I get that.

13. I am creative. It borders on obsessive, but I like that my kids get fun parties and cool costumes. I get that from my parents. I have very cool parents--would that be a fourteenth thing? That's okay, they're worth it!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I love Mr. Linky and would seriously consider having his baby for sparing me the work of figuring out how to link everyone!

***My techno goofiness shows it's ugly head again...I thought I was making a link to Fee Feasible--but all I did was steal their photo--yikes! I'm afraid of committing a blogging faux pas (jennfactor 1).


FreddieGirl said...

Re: #4 (Dubya)... just google "failure"... it's too funny!

Anonymous said...

I love #11...ditto!

Thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

Good that you're tall! I'm only 155cm (I don't know how much is that in inches) and I used to play basketball. People laughed at me. Hahaha.

Knitting Maniac said...

I would give ANYthing to be 5'10"!!!

Happy TT!

Unknown said...

LMAO at Dubya!

Empathetic people annoy me...usually only when I'm mad about something. ;P
It's not a bad trait...just a flaw on my part.

Quirky is good! Who wants to be mainstream?

Thanks for participating in the challenge!

Tug said...

the Golden Rule...more people should learn it!

Lindsay said...

I am tall also... 5'9" and i hated it growing up..but now as an adult I LOVE BEING TALL!
Great Post

K said...

Great list!!

Lisa said...

I love desserts - great list

DigiscrapMom said...

Wow!! 5'10"! Tall, eh?!

This is just a great list from you :) You seem like a wonderful person inside and out :)

Thanks for sharing bits of yourself with us!

Happy Thursday!

Carmen said...

laughter and smiling are great qualities! and thinking that Bush is a moron. ha!

Lisa said...

Ah yes, the Stuart Smalley reference! I love you just for that (and your opinion of "dear leader")!

Great list and I like how you elucidated on each thing - gives us a good picture of who you are. Are you taking applications for new friends? LOL

Thanks for bopping by Snarkypants. Have a great Thursday!

Shannon said...

Come one over... I cook great meals (as you'll see on my T13 this week) and you can bring dessert!

I took the challenge too:

Have a great Thursday!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on #1 - I'm 5' 11" and love it - being married to a guy 6'5". Also, #11, with the ring - my husband did buy me another ring, and then my first wedding band got stolen in a robbery. I hate that!

My TT is up.

My Shoes said...

dessert....i am there. what time? do i need to bring a gift?

*~*Cece*~* said...

#1, I'm only 5'4", yeah, it sucks pulling out the ladder or asking for someone else to get it for you.

Good list.

Kukka-Maria said...

I loved your list! Especially about the chest being proportionate to your body.

Imagine being a cat--with multiple nipples like me! I'm glad I've got my sagging belly, or my cans would be dragging on the floor!

Good thing I keep tassles on them at all times!

Great TT. Glad I stopped by!

Tan said...

People that smile alot are just naturally likeable! I enjoyed your list!

Margaret said...

Hehe, I love the way you titled this one. I'm with Shrone on the desserts!! I'm coming over. -Margie

Sayre said...

Good at desserts, eh? Let me tell you, girly-girl - no one can beat my flan!

Of course, I won't make one to tempt you or anyone else... or maybe I will! Then you can write your odes to me and my shrinking butt while stuffing your face with lovely flan!

Anonymous said...

OMG I laughed when I read your #2, that happens to me ALL THE TIME. And then I really DID laugh at #4 ROFLMAO! #6, you are, #7 I love quirky and my answer to your question is NO! What's your taste in music like? I'm off now to look for that recipe :-)

Thanks for visiting!

natalie said...

We should trade recipes! I love cooking dessert, too!

thx for the visit!

ditzymoi said...

you do make some kick-ass deserts ....(ok the orange baby asprin cake sucked) *teehee* anddd you totally ROCK as a girlfriend!! i dont know anyone else that shows up when you move and lines all your shelves before you move in AND goes to costco with me whenever i wanna *biggg huggs*
I heart you :)

Jennfactor 10 said...

Awww, shucks, Kimmie, Please don't make me wander the aisles of fabulous food, furniture, books, gadgets, and things I never even knew I needed--but now I do!

And I'll post the Rum Cake recipe for Tasty Tuesday--this whole diet thing has had me trying to focus less on food, but if you've never made a tasty Rum cake before, I highly recommend it! The baby aspirin cake will, hopefully quickly fade from my co-workers' memories...

Dane Bramage said...

Great list and thanks for stopping by my T13.

Geekwif said...

I wish I had #3. It's not that I'm crabby or anything, but I've been told I scowl a lot. I'd much rather smile.

crse said...

Im not linking because i dropped the ball on the list because i had the flu but its a great one! And can I just tell you that i did something last week (i cant remember what it was) and my husband said "what do you think that would be on the jen factor? a four?" I thought youd appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Great list! Way to go in acknowledging so many wonderful things about yourself :)