Monday, March 3


Next to me?
Wench is eating buttered popcorn, and it smells sooooo good.
I am paying for my crab ravioli last night with a lovely plate full of steamed asparagus.  In all honesty, I love asparagus, and it's perfectly done, not soggy at all.  A little salt and pepper...  Yum.
But it's not buttered popcorn.  Boo.'s NOT buttered popcorn.  Yay!
I could go both ways on this one. 
The sun has only come out in the last week in my little armpit of California, so I have really been inspired to DO this thing for, um, about three days. 
Send your salad and water vibes my way, my friends, I am really more of a baked goods kind of girl.  Five pounds in a week has happened, but it won't be pretty.


Anonymous said...

You have my support, and maybe being a water sign will strengthen my water vibes. Add an earth sign for the salad :)

SQT said...

As I sit here I am eating a plate of red peppers, carrots and cucumbers.

I feel you. I really do.

Mary said...

You go wit' yo bad self girl! Congrats!

~*~*~*~*~Salad and water vibes coming your way!~*~*~*~*~