Wednesday, August 2

Thursday 13 #5

DSC00343, originally uploaded by supa_jen_10.

1) Figure out how to make this stewwwwpid Krispy Kreme Cake. Brilliant idea in the middle of my first diet ever.

2) Cut out more of the stewwwwpid (okay, I actually think they are pretty freaking cool) alien heads for the masks.

3) Glue said stewpid heads onto sticks

4) Drop off the payment for the bowling alley.

5) Go to Smart & Final for the nacho boats and cheese...

6) Renew my vow not to bludgeon my ex for inviting extra people to and suggesting bigger, more costly improvements I could make to the party when he is not contributing squat.

7) Find somethng to get Big O (other than his party) for his birthday, because, again, ex=squat.

8) and something from little O.

9) Find more inflatable aliens here in town, no more time and money to order online!

10) Find a tiny alien to go in the top doughnut to make it look like a UFO.

11) Figure out what I am wearing to the party--this sounds lame, but I noticed a few years ago that I get so wrapped up in the par-tay that I don't consider the pictures we will keep for eternity. I look like a homeless person who wandered into the frame in all of Big O's early birthday pictures. Not good.

12) Win the lottery to pay for what is really going to be one of the cheaper parties I've done...must buy ticket.

13) Apologize to my blogging friends for a very lame entry, and a weak Thursday Thirteen posted a day early...

If you have any tips about the Krispy Kreme cake, let me know! so far we're going to cut them in half and wrap around a clear rubbermaid bowl for the base, and maybe throw some glowsticks under the bowl for effect. The top two layers will be full doughnuts, I think. Who knows where this will end up!

Ohmigosh! I did it! I got the linky box to work! YAY!!!!


Meira{FB} said...

hmmmmmmmmmm...why aliens?

Southern Girl said...

The only suggestion I have for the cake is to send me a piece. ;)

Hope things work out!

Anonymous said...

Did someone say "Krispy Kreme"? Please share!

Anonymous said...

Denise took the words out of my mouth, lol. I LOVE Krispy Kreme donuts and miss them sooooooo much since moving to IL. Please post the recipe, I would love to try the cake. Happy TT, mine are up.

Jennfactor 10 said...

Why aliens? We (read me) went with an intersellar bowling theme, because I am a wee bit obsessive about birthdays, and mere mortal bowling was simply not enough.

My local Krispy Kreme could offer me no assistance regarding how to build a cake, so I'm faking it! I'll post photos of the finished product.

But if ya'll could get these fat and sugar laden morsels of doom out of my house (sooo sweet and tender..) I'd appreciate it. The accountant at work is going to beat me in the weigh-off and I'LL HAVE TO KILL HER.

Anonymous said...

Krispy Kreme cake, stewwwwpid? I would be all over that!

And the alien thing sounds interesting, but I'm trying to picture how it goes with a bowling alley.

I hope all the planning is successful!

Barbara said...

Did you say Krispy Kreme? Can one more come? ME? :) Hope the party is fun.

My TT is up.

Raggedy said...

Happy Birthday to Big O...
The cake sounds awesome!
I think the party is going to turn out great!
My TT is up

Anonymous said...

Ooh, good luck with that. Sound's fun. I too am partying this weekend!

Laura said...

sounds like it will be a great party. don't stress.
my tt is up.

Carmen said...

Oh, I've had one of those Krispy Kreme cakes. Screw the diet!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how to make a cake out of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, I'm definantly interested in seeing the final product, but I love the Idea of glow sticks~ they'll give a really neat appearance to the cake!

Thank's for the link! You are now featured on the front page!

Alli's Mom said...

OK, so I've never heard of the KK cake....but a cake made of donuts, what could be better?

Happy TT...I played

Trish Ess said...

mmmmmmm... Krispy Kreme...

/drooling in true Homer style/

Happy TT!
Mine are up.

Anonymous said...

This is the best thing I've heard so far today-"Find some more inflatable aliens"! :)

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at #11!! I did the exact same thing (still do, come to think of it). It IS important to wear something decent on THE day. I'm sure Big-O will have a great party because of YOU!

Good luck!

Leanne said...

Mmmm krispy kreme.


What a cute pic for the header, too! Thanks for joining in!!! I want a piece of that cake!

cdorsey said...

Loved this list especially 12 and 13. Too funny. Thanks for the laughs.


Minerva Jane said...

A krispy kreme cake! My god that sounds too good.

Lindsey said...

That Krispy Kreme cake sounds cool! Good luck! Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Love the theme! Take a pic of the cake, it sounds too interesting to just imagine it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

good luck with the preparations. hope Big O'll have a great birthday party.:)

thanks for visiting!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

It's not a lame TT! Love the picture you created. Awesome! Hope the party is / was good.

What's with the attraction with the linky's thing anyways. I notice a lot of people use it but why? What's do great about it?

Jennfactor 10 said...

Thank You all for your comments, it's two more weeks until O's party, but I'll be sure and post the pictures...

Church Lady, I am a techno moron, so posting everyone's links when they comment on my TT would take me weeks. The Mr Linky box means that folks do their own links so I enjoy the TT process all that much more!

crse said...

I cant wait to hear about the party! Im going to buy donuts today to celebrate the big O. (well and because I really want donuts) My TT is up and you are already linked to it!

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Good luck with #10. Hopefully you won't get any crop circles. hehe

Thanks for stopping by my TT!

Traci Anerson said...

I hope the b-day party went well. Happy Birthday to "O"!