Sunday, September 9


RESIST the lure of the computer....
Where are the packing fairies when you need them...
I'll be back soon...unless I go live with my MIL, in which case you'll al be stuck with emailed posts from work with no photos or visits/comments from me. (SOB!)

See?? Even now I'm stalling to avoid the boxes.

The Honey? He's found a Steelers Bar here in town, and invited a buddy from Roseville down to watch them at ten on a Sunday morning. Because I refuse to get cable. So I kind of did it to myself.

HAAA!! I'm still stalling!

Bow down before me, the Mistress of Procrastination! One week until we are homeless!!




SQT said...

Uuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhh! Moving sucks! We moved almost every year when I was a kid and just the sight of a moving box makes me want to hurl.

crse said...

Moving sucks bad. Moving in with your blog friend in ohio who can direct you to any one of a million steelers bars within a five mile distance might not be too bad?

ditzymoi said...

i have extra rooms ...well they have kids in them but we can throw them out :)

Mary said...

I agree, moving bites. I hope the packing fairies did help out.