Tuesday, August 22

It's not that easy, bein' green....

Veggie Co-op produce, Week 16, originally uploaded by hpatey.

Sigh. Me and kermit the frog. I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner. Nothing sounds good--but it WILL involve ground turkey and spanish rice (GASP!) yes, a cheap-ass from the box spanish rice--from my friends at rice-a-roni. I know HOW to make real spanish rice, but why? The honey only kind of likes it--For him, it's all about the beans. Real refried beans. I know how to make those, too, but he'll have to EARN those. Going out drinking with the boys does NOT earn you homemeade refried beans. Screw him, maybe I'll just have scrambled eggs. Or not. sigh. Maybe just some watermelon...mmm...no cooking, there... probably not. bleah. I want an unlimited grocery budget so I can make fabulous exotic foods. Or I'd like to be taken out to a good dinner, by the man. We went to Garlic Brothers after big O's party, which is always good, and it always lives up to the name, but I want a huge stirfry full of crisp snow peas, and water chestnuts, and carrots, but NOT bell peppers.
Yep. That's what I want.


Sayre said...

Okay... guess you're not so mean after all... My husband thinks this whole thing is pretty funny - but appreciates the efforts. He's taken me out for sushi 3 times in the last two weeks, so I'm happy!

Last night he cooked tuna steaks and sweet potatoes and made a salad. Life would be so much easier if he would cook for me ALL the time. I'm not a great cook and don't have much kitchen imagination - but he does!

Jennfactor 10 said...

My brother is a great cook, as is my mom. I go and steal ideas from them. He actually made brussel sprouts taste Good! I run about 60/40. But boy, that forty percent usually involvs something burned or undercooked, or when I'm inspired, both at once. The sixty is nice, though. I'm a dessert girl, so the healthy aspects of this whole thing are a challenge...

Nikki said...

I'm just gonna shut up in this conversation.

I could burn water.

crse said...

Oh Buddy. The green things depress me. But my birthday resolution is to lose the 15 lbs i finally need to accept that I gained this summer. I guess that means I need to stop eating doritos and fudge brownie ice cream cake for breakfast. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked my photo... this year's veggies are at http://www.flickr.com/photos/hpatey/sets/72157594175084880/ .

The nice thing about a subscription farm delivery is that although you never know what you're going to get, what you get is what you have to eat that week! Recipes come with the delivery, fortunately.

Jennfactor 10 said...

Can I tell you, I just loved the picture here. (Luv Flickr) But this concept of Subscription Farm Delivery sounds like heaven. I WISH we had something that heavenly here--In the Ag capitol of California. sigh.