A cocktail a day, keeps you drunk all week
Originally uploaded by Ania_*.
IAI, meet Greg, from Death's Door. You two are my favorite outrageous reads. You both have government type backgrounds and call it like you see it--none of that politically correct crap. Fucking hilarious.
CRSE? This is Pippa--live and in person--and watch out! Mert just fell off the side of the couch...hmm, we should probably get her a new drink...Should there be a padded Dorkbloggers zone? Whaddya think Jenny?
Kimmy, Sayre, Bananas, and Nikki-this is Bre (Okay, two of you know her, but this is MY fantasy party) she doesn't blog, but she ought to.
Supa Jen 2? You've got a blog with one post so you can comment, but I think you'd like Super Librarian. I've just found her but she is soooooo Jen.
CRSE? Could you and The Mind make some more slush? More Vodka this time! Kristen, Lindsay, and Ash, This is my fantasy blog party, so feel free to have a cuppa--because who needs a drink more than the preggy lady wishing she could see her cankles? Only the mother of a newborn...
Look! I think Sara is beating JimSmash at the video game.
And presiding over it all is the first blog I ever stalked...The Slack, now a patron saint of Dorkblogging.
ohh...this could be the best party ive been to in years! if i come into serious money? we will make it so!
I'm so drinking with Greg - thanks for the introduction!
its your party ...we'll do it your way girly
I've worked my way thru your friends list and Id love to party with all of them :)
I like the cyber party!!! You know while Bre doesn't blog... she makes one hell of a mojito!!!! yummm
ya know Jen, your party is sure wilder than the others I've been visiting this weekend! I don't think the dorkbloggers need a separate area, we should try to blend in...be dorkbloggers in disguise. Try not to trip on anything, stuff like that.
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