Thursday, February 8

Conspiracy theory:

The lawyer did it.
Just like he did the son.
He's not the baby daddy.
That is all.


Anonymous said...

Yes, there is definately something VERY strange going on there...

Sparky Duck said...

i soo need to catch up

Pippajo said...

I thought the same thing, oh yes, I did.

Still, the whole thing is rather tragic.

Jennfactor 10 said...

Oh, I totally agree, Pippa.

In her last interviews, it looked like she'd contracted some sort of flesh eating bacteria in her BRAIN, or was suffering from botox poisoning, but what a waste of a once beautiful girl. She just sort of Elvis-ed out of her own life. That poor baby girl is going to be the onassis orphan of the Britney generation.

bananas62 said...

while watching the larry king interview with her I decided that( and I never followed her "career") she may not necessarily be the brightest crayon in the box, I think at some point in her life she might have had a very promising career, but got caught up in all that was "golden" but sometimes you need to double check it's not just gold plated. RIP ANS

Sayre said...

Okay - I get it now. I didn't know she died when I first visited.

Anonymous said...

I know. I thought the SAME thing. But why??? why??