The cake was easier than I thought!
Big O made out like a bandit, and The kid with peanut allergies knew to bring his own cupcake! When they were in first grade, this boy had an allergic reaction to something with nuts, and forever after, Big O would tell people he was allergic to something if he didn't want to eat it. I think I have to post these separately...
...that Darwin is DEAD? That somewhere along the lines evolution ground to a halt, and we're sliding backwards? Once medical science was able to overcome Survival of the Fittest, and people too stupid to breed were brought back from the brink, it began. When the good ole boy whose last words should have been "hey man, watch this" is saved, and good people die of cancer or car accidents--the balance is out of whack. The gene pool is decidedly cloudy these days.
Saturday, August 19
We did it! We survived!
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I CANNOT show this to my husband! While I have the iron will of a steam engine, my husband would melt right down into a puddle of goo upon seeing this "cake".
I've got enough to do without cleaning up puddles of goo....
Jen Awesome space pod!!! I admire your creativity!!! Your kids are so lucky!
i have dreams like this picture. You are so awesome
It only took 4 dozen Krispy Kremes to make the cake, I had eight. We had five dozen left over after the kids had gorged. The honey was miffed that I gave a dozen to the guy who had to scrape nacho cheese from the walls (okay, a mild exaggeration, but cleaning up after birthday parties has to suck donkey), and sent the rest home with my brother for his firefighters. I forgot to bring the Honey a single doughnut. All I was thinking was that a dozen doughnuts staring at me, alone in the house after Little O went to bed, was more temptation than I needed. Boy am I in trouble. THe honey's family packs up plates for every family member not present at parties. I was just happy to be rid of them. I hope he pulls his thumb out soon, because I'm really not terribly sorry. He doesn't even LIKE Krispy Kremes that much. Why are men such whiners?
Because they can...
because they have a knack for it.
that looks good...!
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