Tuesday, July 18

Mmmmm...pet peeve.

Why, when you are invited to sing at an event, do you insist on screwing it all up with vocal gymnastics? Do you think you're Mariah Carey? Does Mariah Carey think that it's a good thing? Okay, we'll set aside my loathing for all things squeally, I mean skanky, I mean Carey.

You are singing the national anthem, a song many people feel compelled to sing along with. When you deviate from the traditional rendition, they become befuddled. Then angry. I GET that this is a big opportunity for you. I'm just saying, do it right. It's our national anthem. Showcase your range (or lack thereof) another time. Another place. Away from me and mine.


crse said...

You know? they should really put your post on invitations to sing the national anthem. the world would be a better place. well at least ball games would be better.

Jennfactor 10 said...

I'm sure I'll offend somebody with that...smothering artisitc freedom or something...but I'd stand by this one...