Sunday, July 30

Something different...

What type of Fae are you?


crse said...

What is a fae?

Jennfactor 10 said...

Okay, CRSE, I have to confess, I am an Uber-Geek. Fae is the term for fairy/faery type folk. I actually never played Dungeons & Dragons, but the older brother that I worshipped did. I'm geeky, but I don't dress in costumes or anything. I read A LOT of sci-fi and Fantasy, though. a lot. oodles.

crse said...

well....this is an embarrassing confession. My spouse STILL plays. With my 35 year old step brother and 32 year old brother in law. Thankfully they dont dress in costumes either. But trust me, I have my own geek issues. I cant think of them right now because ive been drinking but they are there sister!